029 | Ruby Fremon On Integration & Shipibo Dietas & Potent Leadership
“I believed in the power of my body. I believe there there is a divine intelligence found inside of our physical vessels, and that we have the power to heal anything. Sometimes we just need the right guidance to do so. That’s when I answered the call to Ayahuasca.”
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In this episode we talk about:
Ruby’s rock bottom: how Western medicine failed her and the various ways in which she used to numb out
How Ruby got sober and eventually was called to Ayahuasca
Journeying n the deep Amazon with Ayahuasca and Master Plants
Shipibo deitas, master plants, and Ayahuasca ceremonies
How to use daily rituals to connect the plants outside of ceremony
What it REALLY means to integrate a lesson
Potent leadership and how to reclaim your unique medcicine a to be a better leader
Handling self-censorship, cancel culture, shame culture, and people pleasing online
What it means to be sovereign human today
Reverence in the medicine space
Mentioned in the episode:
“The most disempowering thing you can do for your clients is is to call yourself a healer. We heal ourselves with the guidance of others and plants.”
Where to find out more about Ruby Fremon:
Ruby Fremon is a certified life coach, NLP practitioner, leadership mentor, speaker, and author of “Potent Leadership.” She has helped thousands gain the confidence to quit performing, crystalize their messaging, and lead their movements with integrity.
An expert on personal growth and inner-work, Ruby is the host of top-rated podcast “Potent Truth” and has appeared in over 100 publications and podcasts. She works with her clients one on one, or in group settings at her live retreats and in her group programs.
Known for her big heart, no-bullshit approach and shamanic gifts, Ruby’s work bridges the gap between practicality and spirituality, offering leaders an opportunity to create true inner-expansion. Her favorite topics to speak on include potent leadership and conscious entrepreneurship, which have landed her on stages around the world.
Ruby sees herself as an advocate for humanity, and uses her online presence to encourage her community to question the narrative, and cultivate true sovereignty of mind, body, and spirit. She currently lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and their two dogs, Luke and Leia.
“Sovereignty is owning all that makes you you; it’s owning your power. It’s coming back to that place of self trust. It’s trusting yourself so deeply that you show up in a way that’s aligned with you. It’s knowing on a deep level what’s meaningful to you, and honouring that.”