030 | The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming "Bad Trips"
“We want to empower you to make sense of these challenging experiences & not fear them... because they can be common!”
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In this episode we talk about:
What is a bad trip?
Personal stories of challenging psychedelic experiences
Tips and prompts for moving through and reframing spooky psychedelic experiences
The importance of preparation, intention setting, and dosing
Working with facilitators and building trust with the medicine
Leaning into the uncomfortable
Using discernment in medicine circles
Coming from the ego versus the heart space
Charging the purge
“The process of growing—from the caterpillar to the chrysalis to the butterfly—it’s not always comfortable, and it can be very confronting. Having the perspective of “What is the lesson? What is it trying to teach me?” Has always helped me.”
Where to find Lana & Zoey:
Read more about us here.
“What is that you’re not willing to look at? What is that you’re not willing to accept? The faster that you can accept and be an active participant with the medicine , and not resist it, then you get to the other side: the divine wisdom, the bliss, the integration.”