028 | Tony Moss: When Indigenous Medicine Meets the West During the Psychedelic Renaissance
“That’s the paradox of doing psychedelic work: On one hand you’re really clear on how challenging life is for humanity, while at the same time it completely reawakens your enchantment for life.”
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In this episode we talk about:
The awakening that took place for Tony after his initial Ayahuasca experience
Shifting from a participant to a facilitator of Ayahuasca ceremonies
How Icaros and Ayahuasca work together in ceremonies
Dealing with appropriation and tradition when facilitating ceremonies for a Western audience
The prophecy of the eagle and the condor
The future of Ayahuasca in the West
The spiritual meaning behind the ayahuasca purge
Raising consciousness as a form of activism
Tony’s experience with ancestral healing with Ayahuasca
Radical self-responsibly for ones own life and healing
Mentioned in the episode:
“ At the core of most of the problems facing humanity is a lack of connection. This sense that we’ve lost connection with ourselves, the cosmos, and certainly nature.”
Where to find out more about Tony:
Tony Moss is a recording artist, producer, and founder of I.AM.LIFE, a non-profit music label and event production company focused on music as medicine and it's uses for traditional and contemporary ceremony, and psycho-spiritual therapy.
“We acknowledge that Ayahuasca is the true Shaman, the healer. The Icaros tell it where to go. The Icaros are guiding the power of Ayahuasca.”