019 | Ancestral Healing - Our Experiences, Learnings & Reflections

It truly does stop with us. I believe so many of us came here now to do this work as we move into the new earth and way of being and living that is so loving. These things like violence, war, crime, it can no longer exist anymore. We came here to really put a stop to things.
— Zoey Poulsen, Host

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In this episode we talk about:

  • Intergenerational trauma: the spiritual perspective and the epigenetics perspective

  • Zoey coming to a place of working with the physical body to heal and process ancestral trauma

  • Lana sitting through and healing family trauma of experiencing war and clearing trauma from her father’s lineage

  • How “doing your work” ripples out to all of humanity - past and present

  • How the universe responds to changes in you as a result of your healing

  • Tools we use to connect with ancestors


As a result of your healing, you are naturally going to show up as a different person and bring forward a different energy. And in relationships, we are simply responding to each other’s energy. So when you bring forth a more positive, loving, trusting energy for someone to respond to, their response will be different than it was before. And thus a new relation to each other forms.
— Lana Pribic, Host

Where to find Lana & Zoey:

Read more about us here.

When you are doing this work, you are creating the change, you are living the change, you are liberating those from the past and liberating those to come.
— Zoey Poulsen, Host

020 | Yossef Sagi: Spiritual Sovereignty, Sexual Expression, and Radical Embodiment


018 | Mariah Gannessa: Womanhood is Medicine, Return of the Great Feminine, and Yagé