018 | Mariah Gannessa: Womanhood is Medicine, Return of the Great Feminine, and Yagé

When we understand that our womanhood is a medicine that our cycles and rhythms carry healing power we can understand how we have the tools to heal ourselves and when we understand we have the tools to heal ourselves that is the ultimate path to empowerment.
— Mariah Gannessa, Medicine Woman

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In this episode we talk about:

  • The healing powers of menstruation 

  • Plant medicine & womanhood 

  • Working with plant medicine when menstruating or pregnant 

  • The culture of yage medicine 

  • Womb medicine

  • Resisting the moon time and how to honor the ceremony of menstruation

  • Mariah's work with the women of the Amazon

  • The industrialization of the plants

  • Sacred reciprocity and honoring the culture from where the medicines come



We are always, forever students of life and when we come to work with the plant medicines from that perspective of humility and reverence then they will continuously bless us, teach us and give to us because the plants - Mother Nature, Pachamama, Mother Earth - is abundantly giving.
— Mariah Gannessa, Medicine Woman

Where to find Mariah Gannessa:

Mariah Gannessa is a medicine woman who has spent the last 9 years studying with indigenous plant teachers, grandmothers & wisdom keepers of the Amazon Jungle. As a mother, daughter, & sister, she is a guardian of ancestral womb wisdom and is passionate about helping women to heal & awaken their own inner medicine & feminine power. She is the Co-Founder of Four Visions Market, a fair trade initiative that seeks to empower amazonian indigenous artisans and healers with a platform to share their tools, art, & plant allies.

The path of the plants is a lifetime study. It’s a path, it’s a way of living so it is not a program or a class in any way. The whole path is never-ending and ever-evolving.
— Mariah Gannessa, Medicine Woman

019 | Ancestral Healing - Our Experiences, Learnings & Reflections


017 | Sam Kabert: Becoming Fit for Service and Calling on the Cosmic Family