013: Our Friendship Journey, Our Last Ayahuasca Ceremonies Together & Why We’re Both Liberating Ourselves from Toronto

There’s a difference between liberation and freedom to me. Liberation is the ultimate freedom: the liberation of my soul, the liberation of my mind and my consciousness. I just know that is what the next chapter will be for me... My soul is calling for deeper medicine journeys, deeper work, deeper integration and moving towards that peace and liberation in life.
— Lana Pribic, Host

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In this episode we talk about:

  • Marking the mid-point of season 1 of the Modern Psychedelics Podcast

  • How Lana & Zoey met synchronistically 

  • Lana & Zoey’s friendship unfolding & reflections

  • Our takeaways and learnings from Ayahuasca

  • What it means to sit with emotions in ceremony 

  • From victims to victors: What we’ve learned about our darkness

  • Becoming and being the observer of your life

  • Our last Ayahuasca ceremonies together

  • Making moves across the country and world

  • What we believe the next chapters will hold for us

Mentioned in the episode:


[In Ceremony] You are able to see these deeper layers of how you choose suffering over your own liberation, freedom, recognition of the self and of the soul.
— Zoey Poulsen, Host

Where to find Lana & Zoey:

Read more about us here.

I received so much confirmation that this is the right path for me. I don’t mean moving to British Columbia, I mean being on this medicine path: seeking peace and seeking liberation… No word in the English language can get me so excited as the word: liberation.
— Lana Pribic, Host

014: Giovanni Bartolomeo | Breathwork and Psychedelics, Spiritual Entrepreneurship, and Coming Out of the Psychedelic Closet


012: Michael Sanders | Lessons from Ayahuasca, Spiritual Entrepreneurship, The Power of Play, and Freedom in Blockchain