014: Giovanni Bartolomeo | Breathwork and Psychedelics, Spiritual Entrepreneurship, and Coming Out of the Psychedelic Closet

I feel like humanity is at a crossroads right now: it’s obvious what we are doing now is not sustainable in many ways and the potential to be a fully conscious, sustainable, peaceful world is possible, it’s so possible - it’s at our fingertips, but a change has to happen before we get there.
— Giovanni Bartolomeo, Breathwork Facilitator & Entrepreneur

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In this episode we talk about:

  • Giovanni’s spiritual path

  • Listening to and answering the call of intuition 

  • How Giovanni came to breathwork

  • Creating a documentary about psychedelics

  • Healing through psychedelics

  • Wim Hoff Breathwork and Giovanni’s training with Wim

  • Elemental Rhythm Breathwork (Giovanni’s unique breathwork concept)

  • Following angel numbers 

  • Spirituality as an entrepreneur 

  • Coming out of the psychedelic closet 

  • Being in a spiritual relationship

  • Why breathwork integrates with plant medicine


[During breathwork] You’re bringing yourself to that edge, it has a lot to do with pushing yourself and letting go. You can have these really intense experiences very similar to a psychedelic or ayahuasca experience.
— Giovanni Bartolomeo, Breathwork Facilitator & Entrepreneur

Where to find Giovanni:

Giovanni is an entrepreneur and life adventurer who has a passion for teaching, experiential learning and creating deep connections with others. He is the founder of Elemental Wellness studio in Toronto and Co-Founder of The Personal Development School www.personaldevelopmentschool.com among many other ventures.

Gio is a breathwork facilitator and Certified Life Coach and Founder of Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Programs and Facilitator Training. Launching www.elementalrhythm.com in 2021an online community focused on breathwork and mind-work practices.

He Launched his third podcast in 2020 called the Elemental Awakening to go along with his YouTube channel (Elemental Awakening) where he explores various topics of human consciousness, altered states, being an entrepreneur and everyday life. In 2018 he released a self-directed produced documentary on plant medicine and psychedelics called Psyched Out.

I had to get out of my own way and listen to my heart. I allowed the old part of me to die slowly and it was painful, and I could see myself holding on for a lot of it, but bringing in that awareness: I had to go through this.
— Giovanni Bartolomeo, Breathwork Facilitator & Entrepreneur

015: Charley Wininger | The Transformative Power of MDMA and Making Peace with Death


013: Our Friendship Journey, Our Last Ayahuasca Ceremonies Together & Why We’re Both Liberating Ourselves from Toronto