021 | Jinica Torrez: From Suicidal Ideation to Soul Liberation with Iboga
“It was the first time that I felt like one whole complete person, and everything made sense and melded together. I was able to purge out a lot of this dense, heavy, dark energy that I had.”
In this episode we talk about:
Jinica’s story of childhood sexual abuse
How Jinica’s reality was denied for years, and how she finally got her justice
How Jinica followed her dream to become an exotic animal trainer
Jinica’s experience with suicidal ideation and finding Iboga
Being initiated by the Bwiti as an Iboga apprentice shaman
Crossing the student-teacher line: sexual relationships with shamans
5-MeO-DMT as a homecoming
Suppressing childhood memories and adults denying Jinica’s truth
Working with Iboga and experiencing 20 years of therapy in one week
Psychedelic ceremonies that are “not beautiful”
The future of psychedelic psychotherapy and this emerging industry
Tips for how to find a well-meaning shaman and medicine tribe
“You can talk all day long. You can dissect and look at things in different ways. You can write all sorts of letters and burn them all you want. But these things don’t help to get it out of your system. For someone like me who has had extensive trauma in my nervous system, that’s what needed to be released. And that’s the magic of the psychedelics.”
Mentioned in the episode:
Where to find Jinica Torrez:
I am here to share my journey with you so that you may discover that you have the all the answers you seek within yourself. Be your own Guru. I have been on a mission to heal my life long mental angst with depression, anxiety, c-PTSD and migraines that stemmed from my battle with being an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse.
I recently graduated Arizona State University Summa Cum Laude in Psychology December 2020. I plan to further my career by attending Pacifica Graduate Institute to pursue a master’s degree in counseling psychology with an emphasis in depth psychology. The ultimate goal is to become a licensed psychedelic therapist, to be able to hold space for others as they somatically heal themselves from the traumas they have endured.
“Within all of us is that divine truth and knowledge and oneness. It just takes quieting down and truly listening to get there. You don’t need the psychedelics to get you there. Psychedelics are a fast track to show you that it’s possible, but it doesn’t show you how to get there on your own.”