056 | How & Why To Become A Psychedelic Coach
“Being a coach is so deeply fulfilling. It’s such a beautiful thing to be an intimate part of someone’s life as they’re trying to better themselves. Not just for themselves, but for their family, for their communities, for the collective. The impact goes so much beyond just your client.”
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Lots of you have been asking me about careers in the psychedelic and specifically how I become a coach. This episode is for those of you who are considering stepping into coaching as a profession or considering incorporating coaching into your toolkit.
My intention for this episode is to help you understand what coaching is and isn’t, why professional coach training is crucial, and help you understand why you don’t need a psychedelic specific coach training to be a psychedelic coach.
In this episode, I talk about:
The role coaching played in my life alongside psychedelics
Why I decided to become a coach
What is coaching & how it differs from other modalities
Why I decided NOT to do a psychedelic-specific coach training
Why I decided on the training program I went through
How my coach training translates to the psychedelic space
What it’s like to go through a transformative coach training experience
What it’s really like to be a coach
Why it’s so fulfilling to be a coach
“We talk a lot about integration in the psychedelic space. Coaching is a process of integration. It allows me to treat life itself as a process of integration. Whatever we bring into the coaching space is something that we can get curious about, learn from and look at differently.”
“Being a professional coach requires a skillset, and that skill set isn’t something that we just naturally gain through the process of life. It’s something that we actually have to become trained in.”
Things Mentioned In This Episode:
Schedule a free admissions call to learn more about iPEC
Save $565 on tuition by mentioning LANA PRIBIC as a referral when you apply!
This episode was produced in collaboration with FWI Media. Check out their beautiful work!
Where to find Lana:
I was introduced to psychedelics in my early 20s within rave culture, and few years later I began to use plant medicine ceremonially.
Many circumstances aligned leaving me shattered, and I began the journey of putting myself back together. Plant medicine & psychedelics saved me from depression, anxiety, and a life of feeling unworthy. This is now my life’s work and I have devoted myself to sharing psychedelics and plant medicines with others because I have personally experienced how effectively they can catalyze growth, healing and connection.
This idea for Modern Psychedelics came to me during a journaling session in early 2020. I was learning so much about psychedelics at the time (while experiencing the benefits firsthand), and I had a deep desire to talk about these topics with people in the field. Upon launching the Instagram community, the page grew tremendously over a short period of time and continues to have high levels of engagement.
I am a 3x certified professional life coach, and I work with people who want to better their lives by deeply integrating insights from their psychedelic experiences. I believe that we don’t have to spend our entire lives healing, and that the purpose of life is to live in the present moment.
Looking for a professional coach to support you on your psychedelic path?
Look no further! Along with being the host of the Modern Psychedelics Podcast, Lana is a 3x certified professional coach who works with people on the psychedelic path.
Podcast Trasnscipt
Lana Pribic: [00:00:00] Hello everyone and welcome back to the show. So grateful to have you here. Super excited for today's episode. You have all been reaching out to me over the months about how to get more involved in the psychedelic space and how to build your career in the space. So as you guys know, I am not just the host of this podcast, but also a psychedelic coach.
Today I'm gonna be sharing all about my journey with coaching, becoming a coach, getting trained and certified with you.
This episode is for those of you who are considering stepping into coaching as a profession.
my intention for this episode is to help you guys all understand what coaching is and isn't, why professional coach training is crucial ,and why you actually don't need psychedelic specific coach training to work as a psychedelic coach.
I'm gonna be covering the role that coaching played in my life alongside psychedelics, why I decided to [00:01:00] become a coach, what coaching is and how it differs from other modalities, such as therapy and mentoring, coaching as a profession, and the importance of training ,my experience, getting trained, how I'm using my training in the psychedelic space and what it's really like to be a coach.
So before we dive into this very, very exciting episode, a quick word from this episode's sponsor.
the one thing I don't really talk about as much is I actually have been getting coached and been training to become a coach in parallel with my psychedelic journey. Both I see as equally important and transformative to my own journey, and they just work so, so beautifully together.
I 100% would not be here today without both psychedelics and coaching.
So becoming a coach played a crucial role for me. And here are some of the changes in my life because of my [00:02:00] coaching journey.
So first of all, it helped me start this podcast and not only start this podcast, Create a very successful podcast that really stands out in the psychedelic podcasting world, and I can't tell you guys how many coaching sessions I have had around this show, around my voice and how much my coach training during that time, I took my podcasting and psychedelics journey into that space. It's allowed me to keep the podcast true to myself. It's allowed me to keep my energy high throughout this process and to really create this like beautiful, authentic creation that came from me.
The first time that I hired a coach, I was in a process of launching the podcast. I was not confident, I was terrified. I had all the fears and. I'm pretty proud of where I am today.
Another way that the coaching journey has helped me is my [00:03:00] relationships have improved so much. Not with just my friends, but also with my family, with just my relationship to life.
My connection to life, my connection to other people, and the people around me, the world around me.
whether it's for my clients or podcast guests or friends, family, whoever, my ability to hold space for people is impeccable. And I can confidently say that I have learned to no longer insert myself and my own perspectives into other people's spaces, and as a result, that has strengthened my connection to others because they feel more seen, they feel more heard. And I think as a podcast host, I get a lot outta my guests that a lot of other podcast hosts can't. And that's purely because of my space holding and I learned how to hold space during my coach training
my life satisfaction. This is another thing. My life [00:04:00] satisfaction and fulfillment, it's like through the roof. It's insane how fulfilled and satisfied I am. In my life, and I truly mean that. And yeah it's hard to separate what part of that is from the psychedelic journey and what part of that is From the coaching journey, I really see such an intersection between the two.
Energy is another thing. I don't experience stress anymore. I don't really experience anger anymore. Coming from someone who pretty much used to live in anger. And victim consciousness. This is huge for me, and because I don't live here anymore. , my energy's insane. Not just my physical energy, but also my mental energy, my spiritual energy.
The way that I operate within the world is from a place of ease and flow, which is the opposite of stress.
So something that I didn't [00:05:00] think was possible for me, this is the big thing. I have actually found a career that I love so much that I am good at, that is fulfilling in all the ways, and it's really allowed me to make personal growth something that I've always loved into my job.
Literally. The more I work on myself, the more I can help my clients, the more I work on myself, the better I am at my job. And honestly it, it doesn't get better than that for me. So those are some of the reasons why the coaching journey has been so crucial for me alongside the psychedelic journey.
And when I say coaching journey, being coached and getting trained to become a coach and coaching others.
When we think about coaching, what we might not realize is that coaching is actually a process of integration itself. So we talk a lot about integration in the psychedelic space.
Coaching is a process of integration. It allows me to treat life [00:06:00] itself as a process of integration. Whatever we bring into the coaching space is something that we can get curious about, learn from. Look at differently. And then after that session is over we get to play with that. We get to water those seeds that we planted in the session.
And of course this happens to me personally when I get coached, but I also see this happen for my clients and it's such a beautiful thing to see.
Let's get into why I became a coach. So I really wanted the location and time freedom. I was really torn between coaching and therapy. And it wasn't until I actually worked with a coach that I realized, oh my gosh, this is it. This is it. I love it. And I also really, like many of you, I'm sure I wanted a job that was both fulfilling and flexible. I didn't really wanna choose between the two
I wanted a career that would challenge me to grow. I know some people are cool with just like having a career and. It's [00:07:00] just a job. It's just a career. It's not an extension of themselves, and I totally get that. I'm just not like that.
I really wanted something that was an extension of me, an expression of me. And something that would challenge me to grow personally, professionally, relationally, all the things.
I also wanted to work with people in the psychedelic space. I wanted to be in the space. I wanted to surround every part of my life with psychedelics and plant medicine and this journey and I knew that even though I wasn't maybe fully ready, Be that person at that time. I could see looking into the future that if I kept on this path, if I kept on this journey, that I would eventually be in a place where I could support people through their own psychedelic journeys. And coaching is such a beautiful way to do that.
So let's get into what coaching is. So according to the ICF, which is the International Coaching Federation, coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and [00:08:00] creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. So the power of coaching is really in the alliance, the partnership with the coach and their client.
Similar to therapy, right? Coaching is a partnership and the strength of the partnership is the thing that will determine the results. So ICF states that the powerful difference between a regular conversation and a coaching conversation is that a coaching conversation has an. The coach partners with his or her client to establish meaningful outcomes for each session and helps them make progress toward their overarching goal during the coaching engagement.
So coaching is really about forward momentum, and you guys, coaching is a profession. I really want you to take this in from this episode. Is a profession, and as such, it requires [00:09:00] training. It requires a very specific skillset and it requires constant refinement and mastery over that skillset. So no shade at all to, the Instagram coaches who are out there because there are definitely.
Out there who are great at what they do and are helping their clients get results. But there are also a lot of, Instagram coaches who, have gone through something. In life. And they got through to the other side and they decided, okay, I can coach people through this. And it's just not that simple.
It's not that simple. Like I said, being a professional coach requires a skillset, and that skillset isn't something that we just naturally gain through the process of life. It's something that we actually have to become trained in. So this is often not coaching. This is not coaching. So we're gonna get into this in a minute.
I also wanna note, I have the [00:10:00] utmost respect for the coaching industry and for coaching as a profession. And unfortunately, yeah, the Instagram coaching phenomenon that we are seeing is it is tarnishing the integrity of the coaching industry, coaching as a profession. And this is why I believe that professional high quality training is important.
So let's talk about what coaching is not. Coaching is not therapy. Some of the differences is that the focus of coaching. Really in the present moment or on the future, whereas the focus of therapy is on exploring the past to understand the present coaching is more tailored for, quote unquote well-functioning individuals who really want to optimize and take things to the next level.
Often clients are ready for coaching when they're like, life's not bad. It's pretty good, but I know it can be better like, It's good they're getting [00:11:00] by, but there's just like more juice from the lemon that they wanna squeeze out and they really want that like deep fulfillment, that optimization of fulfillment and satisfaction in life.
That's the coaching client. Whereas someone who is a candidate for therapy is, they said this in my training. I don't mean it in a triggering way, but it's more for when we are in times of dysfunction in our lives. So it's when we're really, maybe having a hard time to get outta bed.
We're feeling really unmotivated to work. Maybe we're at risk of losing our jobs. We're finding it hard to even practice self-care and take care of ourselves. We're going through some sort of dysfunction, and this is common after something like a trauma, a breakup a death, things like that.
Those are the differences between coaching and therapy. Now, mentoring is something that a lot of people confuse coaching with, so mentors are very different from coaches. Mentors are someone, they've been there, they've done that. They can show you the ropes. Coaches on the other [00:12:00] hand, they don't insert their personal experiences into your process.
With mentoring, there is this like picture and vision of success that is predetermined, and the mentor is helping you get to that vision, whereas coaches ask you to define what success and that vision looks like for yourself, and then they work with you, they partner with you to create that for yourself.
In coaching coaches treat clients as the experts in their own life because they are, we are each the experts in our own lives. And that's not to say that there's not a time and place for mentors. They're for sure is. It just depends on what you are looking for at that time and what you are drawn to.
Then there's consulting. So similarly, consultants, they have an agenda, they also have answers, and they help their clients to fulfill that agenda. Coaches have no agenda other than the agenda of their clients and helping [00:13:00] their clients fulfill their agenda.
So consultants are also experts in certain fields, which is why, companies tend to hire consultants, whereas coaches are experts in the coaching process. Coaches may be experts in other areas, and they may create their niche out of. That thing that they're an expert in. So for example, I am an expert in the psychedelic path, the medicine path, psychedelic.
So I have created a niche for myself within that. But at the core, I am really an expert in the coaching process.
Then coaching also differs from sports coaching, so it's not, coach coaching is not rooted in competition or winning. And sports coaching of course, is. Coaches actually help their clients create more win-win scenarios.
And coaching is also different from friendships. While friendships are so important in life, and life would be just so hollow without friendships. The value of a coach is that they are objective, non-judgmental and detached from client outcomes.
So I hope these differences helped you guys [00:14:00] determine if you're wanting to maybe step into coaching as a profession, if this is the way that you want to work with clients.
Back to the ICF. The accrediting body for professional coaches and. The eight core competencies for professional coaching are the following. So you facilitate client growth, you practice active listening, you evoke awareness in your client, which is why it works so well with psychedelics, because psychedelics open up so many new awarenesses for us, and the coaching process can take that even deeper.
You demonstrate ethical practice, you embody a coaching mindset, you establish and maintain agreements, and you cultivate safety and.
Okay, so now that we understand what professional coaching entails, let's talk about training. I chose to do my training at a institution called ipec. It stands for the Institution for Professional Excellence in Coaching.
How did I decide on this? I actually hired an IPEC coach to work with for 12 [00:15:00] weeks, and this is when I. Trying to work up the courage to start modern psychedelics. Okay. And the transformation I went through during these 12 weeks was unreal. I was also microdosing at the time, and yeah . The changes I went through during that time really solidified for me that this coaching methodology was one that I wanted to get trained in.
I was also coming out of a long period of working with a therapist, and that contrast to me really showed me that coaching was where I wanted to be.
So I wanna talk a little bit about why I chose ipec and not a psychedelic specific training. There are quite a few options out there to get certified to be a psychedelic integration coach or a psychedelic coach. I actually, I did think about that. I decided against it and I have some great reasons for [00:16:00] that I wanna share with you.
The main thing is I really wanted to futureproof my career. At the end of the day, the psychedelic industry is still new. We don't know what's gonna happen, and it's also quite niche. So I didn't wanna put all of my eggs in that basket, and I didn't want to limit myself to only working with a very specific type of client.,
Since psychedelics as like an industry are very new, it also means that the coach training programs that specialize in psychedelics are also new. Ipec, however, has been around for over 20 years. As an ICF accredited institution.
I really wanted my skills to be in life coaching. I wanted skills that I could use, no manner which direction my life took me or which direction my career path took me.
. My advice to you guys who are considering becoming coaches, you don't wanna trap yourself to [00:17:00] only be a psychedelic coach. if you guys have been following the industry news, there's been some pretty scary stuff happening in the industry that's really questioning the longevity of it.
So yeah, if you guys have been following what's been going on with like synthesis and field trip, it's, there's just doing such a niche training sounds a little risky to me now. Having a solid training like iPEC as your bedrock, your pillar, your foundation is amazing. And then maybe choosing to do an additional training in psychedelic coaching is great, but only relying on that is yeah, just something that I would advise against just to like really safeguard your career and your professional development.
The other reason that I wanted to do my training at IPEC is that, so their tag line. Is awakening potential and it just, it's so accurate that's exactly what they do at ipec. Their, I think [00:18:00] their tagline used to be changing the consciousness of the planet one person at a time.
Every time I send a client off after one or two or even three rounds of 12 weeks with me, I get this like insane feeling of gratitude and fulfillment. Knowing that I played a role, that my training played a role in really expanding their consciousness and their energy, and having given them tools to work with for the rest of their life.
It's a really powerful feeling. I fully owe that to the training that I received at ipec.
They, they also say that the difference with IPEC is their philosophy, and I would definitely agree with that. It's born out of an essential truth about being humans, that there's vast unrealized potential inside of everyone.
And that the key to awakening that potential is in our [00:19:00] unique consciousness based approach to life. And that's what this training teaches us to do as coaches, is to awaken on that energetic consciousness level people's potential.
Another reason why I was drawn to ipec to do my training at is their methodology.
They do something called the core energy coaching methodology, and this is a research backed model . It encompasses psychotherapy, neurolinguistic, programming, mentoring, consulting, quantum physics, metaphysics, emotional intelligence, leadership development, theories of conscious evolution.
Like it's so profound. It encompasses more than 10,000 hours of research and the application over the course of over 30 years. It's a really interdisciplinary process. It works for everyone and anyone like from super spiritual folks to totally corporate people. People resonate with the core energy process.
They [00:20:00] resonate with core energy because it makes sense. It's honestly the core energy model for me. The way I understand it, it is a transmission of like universal truth. When you learn about the core energy model and the seven levels of energy, it just makes so much sense and there's overlaps between their methodology and so many other understandings of how the universe works, how the world works.
So yeah, super applicable.
IPEC is the best of the best, honestly. It's the best of the best. If you wanna Google best coaching, Institutions, you will find ipec on the top of every single list. It's often referred to as the Harvard of coaching schools, and it's constantly ranked as the number one coaching program globally.
So go ahead, Google it yourself if you don't believe me. So with that, of course, comes the price tag, it's an investment, but it is worth [00:21:00] every single penny. So I have a friend who did another program, and so with ipec, when you enroll, you can invite someone to come sit in on the first module. So she attended that first module with me, and after finishing her coach training, she really wished that she had taken Ipec instead of her other program.
So if you really wanna get your money's worth, ipec is the. It's very comprehensive. It takes about eight months to complete the three modules. And personally, it took me almost a year to complete the entire program, including the graduate level certification, and this was one of the best times of my life The amount of growth I was experiencing during my coach training cuz you're not just getting trained to become a coach like you are constantly being coached yourself and being exposed to master coaches at work and watching them work.
And then as you're watching them coach clients, like things are coming up for you. And it's just this like crazy, insane bubble of [00:22:00] growth and transformation. Another thing that I really like about ipec, it's spiritual, and it's not spiritual in like a religious or prescriptive sense, but there is such an emphasis on energy and intuition at ipec, which is also why this training translates so well to the psychedelic space.
It goes so far beyond trying to, get clients to, to do the thing that they wanna do or create the results that they wanna create. Like ipec coach training teaches you to go to the root, the core of someone's consciousness and being, and you're literally this like little surgeon.
Going inside of people's energy and like seeing what's there and helping them, operate on their energy and transform it and turn it into something that's going to take them where they wanna go in life. You really start at that core level, that root .
So the other [00:23:00] amazing thing about IPEC is you get three certifications with your enrollment. So you get the CPC, the ELI-MP, and the core dynamics training. This is their graduate level training. I highly recommend it. It was like, You think it can't get better and then you get to the graduate level and it all just starts coming together in this new way and just blows your mind.
I have used my graduate level coach training so much. Pretty much in every single session with a client. I pull from there. I have developed my 12 week one-on-one coaching program around what I learned in there, and I just launched Flow Formula, a eight week microdosing group coaching experience, and pulled from that training to develop the coaching section of that program. It is insane the value that you get in there
So at this point I just wanna touch on Yeah. My experience getting trained, like I said, it was simply life changing. I think it was the most important decision that I have made. It honestly changed my life [00:24:00] so much also met people who I am still in touch with. And when you go through such a huge transformation with people like that, in that container you stay in touch.
You have a very special connection and you can continue to do peer coaching with them, which is really nice. And here's the thing about my experience. When I learned about this program, I was my confidence was so low. I. Did not believe that I would come out on the other side of this training and be a coach.
I couldn't see myself as that. I wanted to go through the training because I'm such a personal development junkie and it seemed like the program would be amazing for that and that's, that was the driving force that made me sign up, and I think there's probably something within me that was. Yeah, my inner coach, my higher coach, as we say, that was also pulling me towards that.
But on the conscious level, I had so many blocks around actually stepping into my power [00:25:00] as a space holder, as a coach for people in that way. By the end of my training, I was so confident. I already had a couple clients, like I, I was honestly shocked. How well they train you and prepare you. They literally give you everything you need.
They teach you everything you need to know to be an incredible coach. So I just wanna share that with you guys.
So let's say you're like okay, this sounds fun, this sounds cool. Maybe I can like actually see. myself becoming a coach, maybe this could be a potential career path for me. So I wanna let you guys know what it's actually like to be a coach.
First of all, it is so deeply fulfilling. I can't tell you how many times I've just recognized my client's progress and like I have to hold back tears. It's such a beautiful thing to be an intimate part of someone's life as they're trying to better [00:26:00] themselves.
Not just for themselves, but for their family, for their communities, for, the collective. It's very fulfilling. The changes that your client makes. Is going to inspire the people around them. Like the impact goes so much beyond just your client.
It's just, I literally have goosebumps just talking about it cuz that's how fulfilling this work is.
'It's deeply purposeful. You literally get to like witness people's transformation before your eyes. It gives you so much purpose in life when you know you play that role in someone's life. You fucking take care of yourself.
You make sure that you are in tiptop shape so that you can show up for that powerful work that you're about to do with that person.
It really shifts the way that you show up for life when you are in the position of being a coach for someone, it really does.
So [00:27:00] another thing about being a coach is the earning potential. So the sky's kind of the limit. You can do one-on-one sessions, that's like the high ticket. Like boutique offer for people, but you can do mastermind programs, you can do workshops, you can work for companies. Right now, I'm actually working part-time for a coaching company at this time.
So there's opportunities in that you can lead seminars. There's so much you can do with this training. It's insane, especially when you combine this training with your niche. Oh baby, watch out.
So as you coach more, it's not just a profession, it's not just a career. You become a coach in everything that you do.
Being a coach becomes your identity. You're constantly showing up As a coach, you're constantly inspiring those around you. [00:28:00] You're constantly, Supporting everyone around you to think in different ways, to think in different directions, to, shift their energy. It just becomes a part of who you are.
It's not just something that you do. A coach is something that you are, it's something that you be, and with this. With this methodology in particular core energy coaching, it's all about raising our energy, raising our consciousness, and as we raise our energy and our consciousness through core energy, there's so much less doing and it's so much more being it's so beautiful.
And again, this is so aligned with what psychedelics teach.
So if you are thinking about becoming a coach, first of all, I'm so excited for you to potentially take one of the most exciting freaking journeys of your life. Ugh, I really am. If you're. Thinking about becoming a coach. If you have never worked with a coach, this is a great first step.[00:29:00]
It's really great to be on the other side to understand the transformation that is possible within a coaching container. It's very different from therapy and a lot of my clients come to me after doing quite a lot of therapy and they're just like so pleasantly surprised at how it works, the cadence of it, the energy of it the self authority.
And the kind of the demand to step really into your authenticity as a client. And then the transformation that comes from stepping into that authenticity. Cuz a coach will really challenge you to find your own answers and to act from that place, which is really powerful for most of us who have been living our entire lives seeking answers outside of ourselves and getting answers from other people.
If you're thinking about becoming a coach, a great first step is to really experience the transformative power of coaching yourself.
If you're like, okay, I've already worked with a [00:30:00] coach, or no I'm like so sure that this is what I wanna do. I just wanna get trained already. If you wanna learn more about ipec, if you guys can't already tell, I'm like an ipec.
I don't even know what I would say it. Like I, I'm so proud to have gone to the school. I have nothing but amazing things to say. Like my experience there was. Just so beautiful and worth every single penny and more. If you wanna learn more about ipec, check out their coach training program guide. I'll link that in the show notes for you guys.
There's a lot of information there about what it's like to go through the program.
You can also feel free to message me at modern psychedelics or my personal handle on Instagram. You can send me an email@hellomodernpsychedelics.net. Trying to keep this episode short, but there's so much more I could say I absolutely love sharing and talking about IPEC and my coaching journey, so I'm more than happy to go a little deeper with you.
I am [00:31:00] an IPEC ambassador. I am so proud to be an IPEC ambassador, and part of my role is to connect with you guys who are interested in taking that next step and understanding what the journey of becoming a coach is like. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I would absolutely love to connect with you.
Anytime someone asks me about ipec, I'm like, okay, I'm gonna have to hold back because there's so much I wanna share. I just, I love it. It's the other thing, it's IPEC and coaching is the thing other than psychedelics that I just can't shut up about. So yeah, feel free to message me.
And then if you are ready to start your IPEC journey, maybe you're listening to this for the second time, maybe you're just, you just know, you just feel in your gut that this is the next step for you.
There's something within you beyond the logical mind that is pulling you towards this. If you're ready to start your journey with the ipec, I have a freaking sweet deal for you guys. Like I said, I'm an IPEC ambassador, so that means if you wanna sign up, you can save 595 [00:32:00] bucks off your tuition simply by mentioning my name, Lana Pribic the referral section when you apply.
So I'm gonna say that one more time. You can save pretty much $600. 5 95 simply by mentioning my name, Lana Pribic, l a n a p r i b I C, when you apply for coaching at iPEC. Like I said, I have nothing but amazing things to say. It's honestly been. An honor to share this information with you guys. I do hope that it was helpful.
Check out those show notes for all those resources. Definitely feel free to continue the conversation on Instagram or through email and. If you do decide to do your training, keep me posted. I can't wait to hear from you. And honestly, the sky is the limit for you and the life that you want, the career that you want, it is so available for you.
And the beauty of coaching is that it not only allows you to define what that means to you, it not only allows you to [00:33:00] define what it looks like for you, but it gives you tangible tools at the energetic level to like actually create. So best of luck to you and I'll catch you in the next episode.