047 | Recreational Psychedelics: Intentional Partying, Conscious Raving & Electronic Music Culture
“Who are you when you party? Is it different than who you are when you’re not? If so how? Who do you like more? Who would you like to be more often? Is there something you can bring from your party-self to your non-party self? You can’t be partying all the time, but you can learn from your party self to have a better life. ”
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The recreational use of psychedelics is a deeply meaningful experience for many people yet there is a lot of shame around it. The spiritual community loves to knock partying as “low vibe” which is downright incorrect; some of my most beautiful memories have been at parties and on dance floors. These FUN experiences are equally as valid as the therapeutic ones, and I want to break the stigma around recreational use of psychedelics.
This episode is an important listen regardless of whether you party with psychedelics or not. By consuming this information you will be a part of breaking the stigma around ALL types of intentional and safe psychedelic use. As long as we are educated, safe and intentional, there is nothing wrong with psychedelics in a recreational context. In fact, it can enrich our lives and provide deep meaning and connections.
I brought on two of my friends and dance floor comrades, Jenny and Kevin, to explore this topic. Jenny is doing amazing work in the psychedelic space with her journal company, Wakeful Travel—a ceremony-companion company that works with wakeful partners to provide tools that aid in transformation and self-exploration. Kevin is a creative director and a true champion of the party spirit. He brightens up my life in with his playful spirit.
Both guests are intentional in every part of their lives, including partying. This episode embodies the spirit of an unforgettable party—it’s fun, light and goofy, even while exploring the more serious considerations around partying and drugs.
Topics covered in this episode:
How the history of house music + rave culture parallels the story of psychedelics
Integrating meaningful dance floor experiences and insights into everyday life
How electronic music, intentional community and psychedelics all come together to create a very special experience
The crossover between recreational and therapeutic use: the dance floor as a therapeutic experience and form of release
Fun, goofiness, play and shenanigans for the sake of fun, without making it about healing
Balancing partying with medicine work and life
Intentionality, moderation, safety and mindfulness when partying
“We have the right to work with these substances how we want, in a sustainable way, of course. If your intention is to just have fun, sometimes the medicine gives you what you need and what you’re not looking for when the environment is right.”
Check out Wakeful Travel’s Psychedelic Journals:
“Connecting with other people vibrationally is one of the unsung high impact benefits of partying. You can literally see it and feel it, and there is so few other times its okay to just be vibing like that. ”
Episode Links:
Pump Up The Volume [house music documentary]
PRTY NWS [Kev’s project documenting the spirit of parties]
Wakeful Travel Psychedelic Journals [Jenny’s brand]
RollKit - LANA for 10% off [MDMA brain protection supplements]
Some links above are affiliate links.
Where to find Jenalle & Kevin
About Jenny
After studying holistic nutrition, Jenalle became obsessed with alternative healing modalities—an obsession that saw her enter the world of psychedelic plant medicine as Head of Content and Partnerships at Retreat Guru. Because backpacking had been so transformative in her life, she created a Mindful Travel Journal for adventurers to document their experiences.
As her relationships with both global retreat centers and sacred plants blossomed, she was ready to launch the journal. When the pandemic hit, however, she pivoted from creating journals that focused on external travel to developing psychedelic and microdosing journals to support internal travel. Today, Jenalle runs Wakeful Travel—a ceremony-companion company that works with retreat centers, psychedelic clinics, therapists, and other wakeful brands to provide tools that aid in transformation and self-exploration. Her journals have been featured in Forbes, Third Wave, Psychedelic Spotlight, Microdosse Buzz, Nectara and Retreat Guru.
When Jenalle's not consulting clients in content marketing or working on her business, she's slicing through pillow pockets on her snowboard, riding down rocks on her mountain bike, or boogying to funk, house, or drum and bass
About Kevin
Kevin is a curious and creative guy trying to party his way to a better life. He is the creative directer at his media company, FWI Media and works on his passion project PRTY NWS, on the side.
Looking for a professional coach to support you on your psychedelic path?
Look no further! Along with being the host of the Modern Psychedelics Podcast, Lana is a 3x certified professional coach who works with people on the psychedelic path.