Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica | Iboga Retreat (Full Review)
Nestled in the low mountains of the Pérez Zeledón area of Costa Rica, Iboga Wellness Center (IWC) offers a retreat into peace and tranquility for the Western mind.
Away from the hustle of city life, the nervous systems gets a chance to rest & reset while overlooking lush vistas and attuning to the sounds of nature. This setting is one of many factors that makes IWC the perfect place to experience the Iboga medicine.
The following information is based on my November 2022 visit to Iboga Wellness Center, where I took part in their 8-day Psycho-Spiritual Iboga retreat. All opinions expressed are my own.
8-day retreat program offering two traditional Bwiti Iboga ceremonies including fire talks about the Bwiti tradition
Iboga provider Levi Barker has been working with Iboga for ~15 years. He trained for 7 years before serving another person
Bwiti traditional teachings are shared at the fire talks during ceremony
The property is so remote that the very occasional car makes you realize how over-stimulated the nervous system is in Western life
The delicious food, made with love by their professional chef, caters to all diets (vegan/vegetarian, meat, gluten free, etc)
Family-owned and operated creates an environment that is welcoming, cozy and hospitable. All your needs are taken care of so that you can truly focus on your healing
Group Size: up to 7
Location: Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica
Providers: Levi Barker
Founders: Gary Cook & Levi Barker
Operating since: 2014
Website here
2 traditional Bwiti Iboga ceremonies & fire talks
with guided “soul journey” (1:1 work during ceremonies)
2 off-site integration day activities (hot springs, beach, river)
Traditional Bwiti spiritual shower
Integration & preparation — guidance & support, including monthly integration calls
Aftercare during Discovery Days
Fresh home-prepared food & organic produce, catering to all diets
Shuttle pick up & drop-off from SJO airport
On-site EKG with a Costa Rican doctor (additional cost)
Optional: on-site massage (additional cost)
The IWC Finca! This is the retreat house.
Introduction to Iboga & Bwiti:
Iboga, aka the Mount Everest of Psychedelics, is known for its powerful psychedelic effects. You may have heard about the length of the journey (24-36 hours) and its direct teaching style. Iboga is about going deep within ourselves, as opposed to outwards into the cosmos.
The medicine comes from the root bark of the Tabernanthe iboga (iboga) tree, a rainforest shrub native to Central West Africa. It is indigenous only to a small geographical region in Gabon, Cameroon, Congo and Angola.
Iboga is also referred to as “Truth Serum” because it helps us to see truth and discern what is truth from what is a belief. This medicine guides us to simplify our life and take clear action towards happiness. It does this by scrubbing away everything that isn't Truth.
Iboga tree with the fruit. The root bark is used for the medicine, however the orange fruits can be planted to yield iboga trees.
Iboga has been used for thousands upon thousands of years by the West African people. Some believe it was one of the first psychoactive plants to be consumed by humans. As such, it holds tremendous wisdom about life on Earth. Consistently, iboga teaches humans the same lessons about how find happiness in life on Earth.
Iboga is quite different because it's tied to a spiritual path called Bwiti. Bwiti is the study of life. It is a spiritual path (not a religion) in which we hold no beliefs — we either know something, or we don’t. In Bwiti, we use iboga to help us know Truth. For many, Bwiti and Iboga are inseparable.
Bwiti is a verbal tradition; you can't find it written about in books. Bwiti wisdom is shared around the fire during Iboga ceremonies. Bwiti wisdom is very simple, direct and actionable. One of the most impactful features of this retreat is the honor of hearing about this tradition.
Levi Barker, iboga provider, playing the Moungongo at the fire talk. The Moungongo is a traditional and ancient Bwiti instrument. Bwiti music features this instrument along with the Bwiti harp. Bwiti music during ceremony at IWC, which is a key piece of a traditional Iboga ceremony.
Iboga Wellness Center:
My introduction to Levi Barker, the Iboga provider at IWC, was completely synchronistic. During an ayahuasca retreat I was sat next to a woman who told me about her Iboga experience a few years earlier. She told me that while Ayahuasca got her far, Iboga was “the final nail in the coffin” of her healing journey. She told me how everything started happening for her after Iboga, and this deeply resonated with me.
By the end of this Ayahausca retreat, I was called to experience Iboga. I learned that my friend went to a place called Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica. A few weeks later, Levi landed in my inbox, pitching himself as a guest for my podcast. To date, he is the only guest pitch I have invited to come on the show! Shortly after interviewing him, I felt called to arrange a time to visit IWC for my own healing.
From their website:
IWC has guided over1500 people through Iboga retreats. Our staff at the Iboga Wellness Center have been healed and trained by a Bwiti shaman from Gabon, Africa. Many have been initiated into the Bwiti tradition through the full initiation ceremony in Gabon. These ceremonies are very intense and are only truly undergone by those who are living the path of Iboga.
We bring these traditions to Iboga Wellness Center in a softer form while still holding the spirit of the medicine in the highest regard. Ceremonies are carried out with the utmost safety, care and attention to guests and each of their individual needs.
What can Iboga help with?
Iboga has one of many alkaloids called ibogaine, celebrated in the West for treating severe substance addictions. While iboga and ibogaine are certainly effective for detox, Iboga is used traditionally in Africa for rites of passage and psycho-spiritual healing (in fact, they don’t deal with addictions like we do in the West!).
Iboga is for more than addiction. Iboga Wellness Center offers psycho-spiritual retreats, meaning healing for matters of the mind and soul.
When the soul separates from us, it can show up as a variety of dis-ease and dysfunction. Iboga is here for humanity to use (but not abuse). It heals a wide variety of conditions related to separation from the soul. It’s a medicine that helps us call our soul back home, and keep it there by living the Bwiti teachings.
The majority of sickness in Western World starts with the way we think. Iboga cleans the mind and teaches us to separate truth from thoughts.
Iboga may be useful for the following conditions:
Childhood trauma and PTSD
Substance abuse and addiction
Internet and phone addiction
Sex and pornography addiction
Some physical conditions
I loved laying on the hammocks on the property and attuning to the nature around me. I learned so much in these moments of peace and solitude.
“When we ingest this root, we activate the simple, natural source truth that exists within all things.
Iboga takes us into the deepest parts of ourselves, to observe the source of our traumas, conditioned belief patterns, social constructs, fears, attachments, assumptions, and other factors — with the intention of healing them and reawakening to the simplicity of life.
What Iboga is not is a magic pill. For the medicine to do its work, it requires the involvement and commitment of the individual. Iboga can show us many things, but it is always our choice to do the work — to take what it gives us and apply it to our lives.”
Why I Choose to Work with Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica:
Intentions for Healing:
After 32 sits with Ayahuasca, I was far along on my healing path. Yet, there were some things Ayahuasca wasn’t able to help me with.
For example, my relationship with my Father felt strained and was a huge source of stress for me. I just couldn’t figure that one out. I also struggled to feel beautiful and accept my physical appearance. I had too many moments of comparing myself to other women. Lastly, I was spiritually lost. I was going deeper and deeper into New Age spirituality, yet I sensed that my spiritual path wasn’t serving me.
Due to the legal status of this medicine in North America, I decided to have this experience in Costa Rica where the medicine laws are more relaxed and supportive to this work.
Tradition and reverence:
After connecting with Levi and hearing more about the Bwiti way of living, I felt his respect and appreciation for Iboga and Bwiti. It was evident in how he speaks and lives his life integrated with Bwiti. Iboga is a big medicine, so I wanted to experience it with someone who has devoted their life to the tradition of Iboga.
Levi has been trained by a tenth generation Bwiti shaman and apprenticed for seven years before serving this medicine.
Location & setting:
I had visited Costa Rica before and fell totally in love; what a wonderful excuse to come back here! I also adore the mountains and rugged untouched nature, away from city life hustle and bustle. From the photos of IWC, I felt that this would be a peaceful and supportive way to experience this medicine of the Earth. I was right. There is something about getting away from your normal every day environment while doing this work.
Since Iboga is a potentially lethal medicine, it was important to be to find someone with a solid track record and who took this work seriously. Levi took me through a medical screening and informed me that I would be required to take an EKG for medical clearance.
Traditional Bwiti spiritual shower
My Transformation - 6 Months Later
Before Iboga - Day 1 - before medicine
After Iboga - Day 7, final day of the retreat
I write this 6 months after Iboga and I can confidently say that this experience was the line in the sand for me. There was life before iboga, and life after. Iboga stays with people for months after ingestion as long as we don’t harm ourselves. The integration process has been so beautiful and fruitful… and the gifts keep on coming!
It’s hard to qualify and quantify just how transformational this experience was for me, but here are just a few gifts and transformations I received from this medicine:
Truth & simplicity: One message that Iboga teaches again and again is to simplify. I have simplified so many things in my life — from my phone apps and social media platforms, to my diet and exercise routines, to my mind. No more elaborate morning routines that were actually draining my energy. Once I could see the truth and understand the resonance of truth, life became less confusing and easier to navigate. Iboga not only took out the trash, but also emptied the trash can and gave me a fresh start.
Nature: I always loved nature, but Iboga showed me that Nature is the answer to everything. If I have a question, I can look to nature for the answer. Part of this is because us humans ARE nature and we are FROM nature. To allow the laws of nature to guide me is the way to live a thriving and abundant life.
Being ME: I went into Iboga uncomfortable with myself, especially in regards to my physical appearance. What iboga taught me is that there is no one else I am supposed to be, and that my life is a gift. I learned through my journey that the reason my soul separated from me was because I didn’t keep anything between myself and my soul. I was outsourcing my power to others, and always trying to be like them. Now, I am happy to be me, and there is no one else I would rather be!
Improved relationships & family relations: About a month after Iboga (while the medicine was still working with me) I received a very clear insight around why my relationship with my Father is strained. Simple, clear and direct. I saw a vision of my Father in ceremony, and it was only during integration that I understood what it meant. Our relationship was a huge source of stress in my life, and now, it’s much more peaceful. We don’t argue, and I am learning to love and accept him as he is rather than trying to change him. Family is now one of the most important things in my life. Huge.
Clarity: Iboga is a hunters medicine. In the Bwiti, the two most important things in life are knowing who you are and what you want. Iboga helped me see who I am, and it’s been a lot easier to focus on what I truly want, rather than what I am “supposed” to want. I am at peace knowing that I am taking steps every day to create the life I want. I am on the hunt for what I want in life.
No more spiritual seeking: Iboga simplified my spiritual path. It brought my spiritual seeking down a lot. I used to be a spiritual mutt, searching for answers everywhere outside of myself. Trying to “ascend”. The Bwiti tradition is experimental. We were taught to not take things we read or hear at face value, but to confirm them for ourselves. I know now that there are many things I am not supposed to know as a human being, and I am at peace with the not knowing. I am focused on SEEING what is in front of me, rather than SEEKING that which may or may not exist.
Ready for love: For the first time in four years, my heart is open to falling in love again. I know my worth, I know what I have to offer, and most important, I know what I want in a life partner. No more contorting myself for others. Before, my motivation for partnership was to feel “complete” by the other person. Now, I love and appreciate life, and I want to share this amazing gift with another soul.
Decreased mental clutter & more presence: My relationship with my mind has changed for the better. There is more peace and spaciousness. I am able to relate to thoughts as thoughts — not as the truth. I know that the mind is a tool for me to use, but it’s not my master. Thoughts are just thoughts. I can more easily notice the ones that don’t serve me, and choose the ones that do. When I start going into the past or future, I can pull myself back to the present.
Happiness: I am the happiest I have ever been. I am embracing life and all its experiences. The things that I thought would make me happy have fallen away and I am finding joy in everyday life. I am happy simply to be alive on such a beautiful planet. When I see life as a gift, I can find happiness, peace and gratitude in every moment.
Intuition: I have a greater access to knowing truth, and decisions are so clear to me. I don’t spend as much time going back and forth anymore; I am able to take decisive action. My access to intuition during coaching calls with my clients has also blossomed. I am on a continued journey to learn how to trust myself even more.
To hear detailed sharing about my Iboga journeys and the integration process, listen to episodes 45 + 49 + 62 of the Modern Psychedelics Podcast:
Accommodation & Food
The accommodation at IWC is very comfortable. I am extremely sensitive to my environment and sound, yet I had the best sleeps of my life here. Private rooms are equipped with memory foam pillows, comfortable beds, and white noise machines. The retreat home is very spacious, quiet and cozy. It feels like home after a few days.
The property itself is the standout feature. Looking out at the vista, you feel at peace and presence. The sound of birds are the soundtrack to life here. After just 24 hours I felt so much more relaxed and attuned to the circadian rhythm.
The land has avocado, starfruit, mango and orange trees! There are several hammocks laid out in intentional places. These make the perfect place to rest and take it all in during the Discovery Day (the day after ceremony, while you’re still in the medicine) and integration.
The property is at the end of a rural road, which mean, no road traffic! It’s amazing what happens to the nervous system when it isn’t exposed to dysregulating sounds like cars, engines and planes.
A local Costa Rican woman and professional chef prepares home made food three times a day. There is an abundance of healthy snacks (gluten free cookies, fresh organic fruit, nuts) to munch on throughout the day. One thing is for sure — you will rest well and be well fed at IWC. As a meat eater, I was relieved that this wasn’t another vegan only wellness retreat (although vegan food is available).
Are you ready for Iboga?
Iboga is a big medicine, but that doesn’t mean that you need to have lots of experience with psychedelics to work with it. Many people come to this medicine without prior experience with other psychedelics or plant medicines.
The only requirements for working with iboga is feeling the soul call, and being ready for change in your life. If you are ready for real change, you are ready for Iboga.
Life after iboga is better, but it’s required that you to participate in the process. Iboga is not a magic pill, but it is the most powerful tool (in my opinion) available to humans for transformation and healing.
I wish you all the best on your journey! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with my if you have any more questions, I am more than happy to share.
+1(844) 450-6720