026 | Zappy Zapolin: Celebrities, Documentaries & Cutting Edge Discoveries in Psychedelics

The medical establishment and politicians don’t know. We the psychonauts—the millions of people who have taken these compounds—have to educate them.
— Zappy Zapolin

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In this episode we talk about:

  • Why we need to focus on increasing empathy using psychedelics

  • Lobbying efforts by Mind Army to make psychedelics legal

  • Why psychonauts need to educate the medical establishment

  • Zappy’s psychedelic documentaries: Lamar Odom: Reborn and The Reality of Truth

  • Psychedelics like ketamine and ibogaine for the addiction epidemic

  • Cutting edge psychedelic patents and technologies in development

  • Bringing psychedelic awareness and breakthroughs to the Western World

  • “Modern” Psychedelics


What I’ve been doing as an entrepreneur is focusing on how do we make this safer and more effective, more like the pharmaceutical industry, so that the medical establishment and the government can be completely okay with [psychedelics] as soon as possible.
— Zappy Zapolin

Where to find out more about Zappy:

Zappy Zapolin is a well-known futurist, psychedelic concierge to the stars, and award-winning filmmaker who is dedicated to the expansion of human consciousness. Playboy Magazine called him “The Man Who Wants to Change the World with Psychedelics.”

As the director behind the acclaimed documentary, The Reality of Truth, Zappy won the Amsterdam Film Festival’s Van Gogh Award for Documentary Directing. The film features Michelle Rodriguez, Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson, Joel Osteen, and other thought leaders and continues to inspire millions of people. Zappy’s latest film, Lamar Odom: Reborn, follows the psychedelic intervention he facilitated for the basketball superstar using the breakthrough treatments of ketamine and ibogaine.

Today, Zappy is often called on as a “psychedelic concierge” to help celebrities, thought leaders, and business icons have a conscious transformation. Known as a visionary and futurist, Zappy has been spotting trends for decades such as internet domain names, legal CBD and cannabis, and now the burgeoning psychedelic economy.

As the youngest Vice President in the history of one of Wall Street’s most successful investment banks, Zappy is a frequent commentator on the emerging psychedelic industry and investment opportunities.

If we have a critical mass of people who have raised their consciousness and have more empathy, we can solve any problem we have.
— Zappy Zapolin

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