036 | Tripping with Parents & Coming Out of the “Psychedelic Closet”
“Don’t give up hope. Of course everyone comes to the medicines when it’s their divine perfect time and they each receive the call individually. But if you feel psychedelics are something you want to experience with your parents, quietly set that intention. Be open to magic happening!”
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In today's episode we dive into the topic of tripping with your parents and coming out of the psychedelic closet. Both of us have found as we continued to do this deep work, we desired the experience to heal with their parents in ceremony... And so we created it! Buckle up as as dive into the experience of taking part in psychedelic journeys with our folks! We also discuss coming out of the psychedelic closet and telling our parents what we were actually up to on these "retreats."
“I did a lot of work around codependency, and what that entailed was releasing the responsibility for other people’s reactions. It is only my job to show up with integrity and be honest about who I am. How people react to me is not my responsibility.”
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“By fully and radically owning my emotions, owning the trauma, sharing that experience, it blew open the doors to be able to talk about it with my parents. Likewise, it gave them more permission to speak to me about these things.”