016 | Myths About Psychedelics
“There is so much beauty in sitting with yourself. Holding space with yourself is what happens in ceremony. And when you come back to earth, you remember how to do that more.”
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In this episode we talk about:
The expectation of having a one-time-wonder experience
The monkey-mind and its expectations
Tuning into your internal compass and intuition
Time in-between ceremonies: knowing when to take a break to integrate, and also when to continue sitting with medicine
Visions in ceremonies
The myth of the “bad trip” and reframing challenging experiences
The two categories of “bad trips”
The myth of psychedelics being a magic pill. YOU are the medicine!
Psychedelics without the trip
Mentioned in the episode:
“This stuff is not a magic pill. It is not the actual substance that heals you. It’s the emotional state that the medicine facilitates that does the healing.”
Where to find Lana & Zoey:
Read more about us here.
“The plant medicine journey is such a great opportunity to get to know the internal compass inside that is guiding you. It will never lead you astray, and it will always show you the pathway forward, and it will allow that pathway forward.”