117 | Psychedelic Integration is Filing Paperwork: How Coaching Helps Put New Worldviews Into Daily Life
“ Coaching is what helped me take all of these new values, beliefs and perspectives from my psychedelic experiences and actually put it into my life.”
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In this inspiring episode of The Journey series, I sit down with my former coaching client, Faith, who shares her remarkable journey of transformation and integration. From feeling stuck and unsure about her career to now pursuing a master's degree in spiritual and depth psychology, Faith has made huge strides in understanding and integrating her inner wisdom. Throughout the episode, we dive deep into how coaching helped her move from fear-based decision-making to living with more love, joy, and alignment.
Faith discusses her experience with psychedelic integration, energy coaching, and confronting her “gremlins”. We explore how coaching supported her ability to take her newly developed beliefs and perspectives from psychedelic experiences and apply them to her life in real, tangible ways. Faith’s story of growth, self-compassion, and newfound clarity is a true inspiration for anyone navigating a similar journey.
Topics Covered:
Faith’s background and the struggles that led her to coaching
How energy work and coaching helped uncover energetic blockages
The role of fear and how Faith transformed her relationship with it
Understanding the gremlin “Jack” and transforming perfectionism
How psychedelics provided insight but coaching gave actionable tools for integration
The importance of loosening grip on beliefs and opinions for deeper personal growth
The synergy between coaching and psychedelics in creating alignment
Faith’s vision for her career in therapy and the role of psychedelics in her work
Practical tips for those feeling stuck and uncertain about their next steps
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Where to find Faith
About Faith:
Faith’s interest in psychedelics began through her involvement in the dance music community in Southern California. As her exploration of these medicines moved off of the dance floor, she found profound healing and transformation. With a renewed sense of purpose and the support of Lana’s coaching program, she left the entertainment business to become a therapist.
Faith is currently based in Los Angeles, where she is pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual and Depth Psychology. She seeks to integrate holistic and spiritually-informed approaches to support self-discovery and healing while exploring the intersection between psychedelics and neurodivergence. Faith enjoys celebrating this sacred human experience through dance and yoga, sharing loving interactions, and connecting with nature.
Looking for a professional coach to support you on your psychedelic path?
Look no further! Along with being the host of the Modern Psychedelics Podcast, Lana is a 3x certified professional coach who works with people on the psychedelic path.
Lana: [00:00:00] Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the journey. Today we have the lovely faith. Welcome to the show faith.
Faith: Thank you so much has been a favorite podcast of mine for so long, as you know, so it's really exciting to actually be on in something that I didn't think would ever happen,
so I'm very happy to be here. Thank you, Lana.
Lana: Yeah, of course. Thank you. And I'm sure we'll talk a little bit about your involvement with modern psychedelics a little bit. But just to start off with before we get into the juice of. You know what your journey has been like and what you've been working on and all the ways that you've been growing in the last little while since I've known you, can you give people an introduction of who is faith and
Speaker 6: Yes.
Lana: maybe give us like a little buildup of what led you to.
Want to pursue , this energy coaching journey.
Faith: Yes, such a good question. So hi, my name is Faith. I'm in my twenties, very proud Gen Z er. [00:01:00] I recently started graduate school in a clinical psychology program in Los Angeles, and I'm specializing in spiritual and depth psychology. Let me see, a few other things about me. I am proud to be neurodivergent.
. So what led me to coaching specifically? I would say I was in a job that really just did not. fit well for me and didn't land for me and caused me a lot of anxiety. I used to work in the entertainment industry in LA. I was working on the business side of things more in like the marketing and executive assistant side of the music industry.
I worked in film, I worked in TV, I worked in news. And none of it was landing for me. I felt really stuck in my career. It created this bubble of anxiety that I was living in. And so I left. And once I left, I just felt very stuck. I had absolutely no idea what was next for me. And [00:02:00] I thought that it was, I would find a new profession and that would sort of everything that was going on with me.
And I started to realize that it was so much deeper than that. So I had been in therapy many years ago and it was incredible. I worked through those sort of capital T traumas. I overcame depression. I overcame Panic attacks, and I was at this point right before I entered coaching, after I had left my job.
I was at this point where nothing was really wrong, and I wasn't experiencing, mental illness the way that I used to. But I still felt stuck. I still felt like I didn't know where I was going from here. It was like nothing was wrong, but Things also really didn't feel right for me. I still wasn't happy and I was very confused like how have I done all of this work on myself [00:03:00] and grown this much and I am still here feeling unhappy, feeling stuck and Obviously, like I just mentioned, like I have been listening to your podcast for years and I have been on the psychedelic path for about, I would say, three years.
It's been four years since I worked with my very first medicine, but I am just a very baby tiny psychonaut right now. I'm only really three years in and exploring as much content as I possibly can online about psychedelics and trying to educate myself as much as I can. And when I found your podcast and all of your content, it just resonated for me and landed for me unlike anything else I had seen or found.
And so I just began to Through your podcast, get to know you and understand what your style of potential coaching would be. And when the time came, when I felt stuck and I heard [00:04:00] on your podcast that you were having open applications for new coaching clients, it just, there wasn't even like a thought in my brain really between wanting to do it and deciding to do it, it was just an effortless decision for me because I knew.
How much I aligned with your values and the way you show yourself to the world. So, that was an easy decision for me and honestly probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. I can't tell you how much life coaching with you has completely changed my life in ways that I had no idea. Way beyond just making a decision on my career.
So yeah, that's just the tip of the iceberg, really.
Lana: Yeah, it's there. It's so interesting, the lack of clarity around your career was like that big thing that you could see and feel in your everyday life. But then it was all of [00:05:00] the things around that that were inhibiting that clarity and that confidence in your next steps from truly coming through and presenting itself to you that we actually had to address.
And it's like,
Speaker 5: Exactly.
Lana: We looked at all of those things and it was really interesting by the end of the six, seven months that we were working together. You announced to me that you decided to apply for your spiritual in depth psychology program, which is a really such a full circle journey and you know, not every coaching journey ends up being so perfectly timed like that, but we'll get into some of those, those energetic blockages as we call them.
I love what you said about nothing was wrong, but nothing was right.
Speaker 5: Mm
Lana: That's so good. So good. Cause
Speaker 5: how I do.
Lana: the spot where we can benefit from coaching,
Faith: That's how I do, yeah.
Speaker: Yeah, so well said. I'm probably going to steal that from you and use that on my [00:06:00] web page because that's just perfection.
So we started working together in March 2024 and wrapped up in September 2024.
And thinking back to March, , let's go back to Faith back then for a second. And even that first. Session that we had before coaching, we did the energy leadership index assessment and you had a chance to learn about the seven levels of energy, the seven levels of consciousness and your energetic profile and how those seven levels show up for you and in what percentages you have access to those levels.
Looking back on that, like. I'm sure that those seven levels of consciousness are something that you just naturally think about all the time now back then, first being introduced to that and then having it relate to your own life. what was the impact of that? How did that land for you?
Like, what did that change for you? Just like
Faith: Good question.
Speaker: into that world.
Faith: [00:07:00] Good question. I think You focusing on energy first and also just focusing on energy before anything else
opened up coaching in such a really nice way and helped me to understand how it was so much deeper than just my career. And I don't know, I guess I'll interpret this question as, sharing some of my reflections on what it felt like to go through that process.
With going through the different levels of consciousness of energy and getting my results back. I had a lot of level four, if I remember correctly, which was a huge part of that for me was. Thinking about others all the time, thinking about others, emotions doing for others. And it was a lot of like, my focus was just always outside of myself on other people and a lot of really deep rooted people pleasing tendencies as we had come to talk about in coaching quite a bit too.
And reflecting [00:08:00] on that I do think that 4th level of energy, was and still is so important to me. It's probably the reason why I want to become a therapist and why I'm taking this journey. But it was also not serving me and that dominating all of my energy was I mean, getting the results back, it was shocking, honestly, because there was a lot of level 1, as well.
It was definitely not just level 4. But just Really diving into my thoughts and thinking about how the thoughts I have on a daily basis relate to those levels of energy. It all just resonated very deeply. And I notice myself on a daily basis now getting back into that level 4 energy and continuously putting the focus outside of myself.
And it's just nice to have that to come back to, to realize this. Is helpful for me and, all levels of energy are helpful. Like [00:09:00] you like to say, and they all have their place but this doesn't need to dominate the way that I live my life.
All this love that I give to other people and all the ways in which I, I'm trying to please other people.
I need to pour that back into myself.
Lana: I love that. You highlighted that your dominant level of energy was level four. I'm just looking at your report on my phone here. I'm not promise. Because yeah, so you're a dominant level, like the level of energy or consciousness that you have the most access to or had back then.
Who knows? Maybe your results will have changed in the last nine months. They probably have was that level four, which you described as like that care, that compassion. And the thing is, your second most dominant energy was that level one energy, which, you know, people who listen to the podcast have heard me talk about level one energy before it's that victim energy.
It's that why me, it's energy level that leaves us feeling stuck. and so when we have a level four followed by a level one, the interplay [00:10:00] between level four and one can be very draining and disastrous to the self because it's like everything that we do from others comes from a place of victimhood and basically we, we end up feeling like kind of like a victim to ourselves by constantly sending our resources to be in service to others all that, all that time.
So like, we really got to work on some of those level one tendencies, those level one energetic blockages, those things that were really keeping you stuck in the victim energy. Can you share with people a little bit about what some of those blockages were, those energy blockages that we had to address before creating that space for clarity?
Faith: Yeah reflecting back on it now,
and I might be wording this differently than the way I worded it at the time, but I think a lot of that level one energy was complete fear. It was staying in the victim [00:11:00] mindset so subconsciously felt like I was Protecting myself, and it just felt absolutely terrifying to really go for the life I wanted to live.
Psychedelics had helped me to understand who I was, what I wanted, what my values were, the ways in which I wanted to live my life. And all of that just stayed up here. I wasn't able to put it into my reality, and I wasn't able to integrate everything I had learned from my journeys because this level one mindset was just keeping me bogged down.
I You know, didn't even realize I was telling myself this that I wasn't capable of getting a new job. I wasn't capable of facing my manager and telling her I had to go. I wasn't capable of, going into the career that I [00:12:00] wanted. I wasn't capable of living where I wanted to live or, creating new habits that I wanted to create.
I feel like there's a lot of interplay too with being neurodivergent and experiencing level 1 energy. Because the executive dysfunction I was experiencing from being neurodivergent combined with the level 1 victim mindset. It just I couldn't understand how some days I couldn't even get out of bed to go for a walk outside.
And yet, I wasn't anxious. Or, I wasn't on the verge of a panic attack. I wasn't depressed. I wasn't experiencing these mental illnesses, but yet, I had all of this fear this fear of being judged, I would say, as well, played into that. But really, I think victim is a good way to put it. I just felt like, I was a victim of everything that was happening to me, and I didn't have the power to do anything about it
. I didn't feel like I was in the driver's seat of my life.
Lana: Mm hmm. Yeah, [00:13:00] I Love that you're highlighting that fear and how it played out for you. Cause yeah, fear is absolutely one of those energetic blockages that keep us stuck and keep us from moving forward in life. And honestly I would say 75 to 80 percent of the coaching sessions that I do with clients are around navigating some sort of deep fears and really getting to the root of them. I'm curious, like, Fast forwarding to now. How do you relate to fear now? And how do you deal with those fears as they come up? What's your relationship to fear? How do you think about fear? What is the purpose of fear in your life?
Faith: is such a good question, because this came into play when I was deciding to do this podcast. So when you had asked me if I wanted to be on the podcast, on our call, my immediate answer was yes.
But I took some time to think about it and all of a sudden all these fears started coming up within [00:14:00] me. And a huge part of that is there are people in my life who don't know that I engage with psychedelic medicines or that I'm on the psychedelic path.
There was so much fear about people finding out about this. There was fear about how I would show up on the podcast. Am I going to say the wrong thing? There was fear about, why would anyone care what I have to say? And when all these fears were coming into my mind, I thought of you and I thought Lana would tell me to make my decisions from a place of love, not from a place of fear.
And that is a huge thing I took away from coaching. That I would never have been able to apply for my master's degree, take out a loan, change my work schedule, put all of this effort into this new career if I was coming from a place of fear the way I used to. And I think my relationship with fear [00:15:00] now is that I still have it, and a huge part of coaching was realizing that We never fully, necessarily overcome these things.
It's more of a dance of getting better at dealing with them and coping with them. And I don't think fear is ever something that we can completely take out of our brains as humans. But I do think it's much, it's a much faster jump for me to have those thoughts of fear.
And then to override them with thoughts of love than it was before.
And I just keep telling myself now, when I recognize that I'm about to make a decision from a place of fear, or I'm about to, I'm having any sort of thought from a place of fear, and as soon as I catch it, my first thought is, what if I replaced this with love? And that has been really life changing.
Lana: Mmm. [00:16:00] so you really have a strong awareness now That wasn't there before in of being able recognize fear very when comes up and then you know We're practicing that step awareness. The second is accepting the fear is there and seeing it and holding it rather than pushing it away or it, just recognizing that there.
And from there, you can make that conscious choice about how to move forward. So you're, know, just to perfectly applying all of the teachings that are in the And that's it. Energy Mastery Pathway program, the online portion of the program. So I'd love to see that. I'm curious, what is the difference for you when you make a decision based out of fear?
When you make a fear based decision and versus when you make a love based decision, or even when you make a decision that isn't conscious or is more reactionary versus when you make a decision that is a conscious choice and it's backed by your [00:17:00] awareness.
Faith: The very first thing that comes into my mind when you ask this is the feeling in my body.
That's always the first indicator that I'm not coming from a place of love. Another big thing we discussed in coaching was when we would be going through our sessions and I would have an emotion come up and you would ask me, okay, to think about where it was in my body or how it felt and, a lot of that was in my shoulders and in my neck and my jaw and I just got very tight and I tensed all up right here.
And once I started being really aware of where those negative emotions or, we could say the lower levels of energy, maybe the 1, 2, 3. Where I felt those when it was coming up that made it much easier for me to identify in the future of, when I'm about to make a decision and I start having certain thoughts and those thoughts lead to this and I can feel that anxiety and that fear and that tension in [00:18:00] my body, that's when I know I'm not coming from a place of love.
And so that has made it so much easier for me to identify. When it's happening in my brain, because it's such a strong feeling for me, and it might be different, not everyone, maybe not everyone has those sort of strong body feelings, but I do, and it's very intense. And so I know, pretty immediately now, when I'm coming from a place of fear, or the victim mindset, rather than, Love because I will feel it very intensely in my body
and as soon as I start overriding that With thoughts of love I can feel it relax, and I can feel the tensions slip away
Lana: Yeah, that's, that's really interesting because, yeah, like you said, it's going to be a very different experience for everyone to really drop into that awareness of, oh, there's fear and [00:19:00] this is what it feels like, or it looks like, or it sounds like, or this is my experience of ,recognizingt fear is there.
So we worked through a lot of those fears, how they show up on a day to day basis and how they are fogging up that vision that you have and your, willingness to really go after that vision for yourself. What were some of those other things that we have to work through? I recall that we revisited few times, like in a few different sessions. There was like a very specific story that you received from, Your upbringing and this like very specific belief about yourself. And I forget exactly what it was, but I remember we kept revisiting the upbringing and it was your gremlin
Faith: Yes, yes,
Speaker: There's something that, that, that you want to share.
Faith: I know what you're talking about yeah, well, there's many parts
to this
Speaker: on yourself. It was like, there was
some sort of like pressure and [00:20:00] perfectionism that you were putting on yourself. Yeah.
Faith: So we named my gremlin Jack, which was really fun because when I felt Jack speaking to me in my head, I could say, Jack is on the attack.
Speaker: attack.
Faith: this to my friends and my partner, and we could all laugh about it but Jack told me a lot of things.
I think the pressure on myself was the biggest part, something I realized in coaching, which I had known previously, was that I have these incredible parents who did not inflict much, if any, capital T trauma on me. And so I had a hard time, you know, it's difficult to think that when you have really incredible parents that there's still conditioning that they give you that might not be serving you.
And so I knew. That, I have these incredible parents and, I don't really think [00:21:00] they've for lack of a better term, messed me up very much, but in coaching, we were really able to dive into, okay, well, they didn't. Mess me up, and yet there's still conditioning that they gave me, just because they lived their lives in these certain ways, and for them that was incredibly beneficial, and the ways in which they lived their lives worked well for them and protected them.
And so naturally that parental instinct is to give that to your child. And one of those things was they were, they are both and still are incredibly successful in their careers and very driven and growing up. They taught that to me of this is the metric of happiness is how successful am I in my career or how hard do I work at my career or how intelligent am I, how driven am I, and I got this message, which I don't think was their intention looking back, but I think I [00:22:00] got this message of if I am not successful Or maybe if I'm not successful in the traditional sense of I make a lot of money and I have this really fancy career title, then I'm not worthy.
And that was the gremlin that was coming up over and over again that was causing this sort of loop of perfectionism. Where, immediately my brain would jump to, okay, I need to do this or be this, which I would consider perfect, and then I would never meet that. And then there was all this cognitive dissonance of, well, I don't even necessarily believe that those are the metrics of success.
And I don't even necessarily believe that's how I want to live my life. My values are so different in my heart and in my soul, and yet my mind is telling me that these are my values. And so we had to bridge the gap between the values that I I have learned that I have, through my work with psychedelics, bridging the [00:23:00] gap between those values and the values I was brought up with.
And how do I, balance taking feedback from my family and from my parents of career success and monetary success and those things without letting that kind of dictate the way I live my life. And I will say I've gotten Much better about that. I'm choosing a career that's not necessarily the highest paying career that, you know, I'm choosing it because of What my soul wants, and also choosing a career that will allow me to have a little bit more work life balance.
Because that's also what my soul wants. And it's interesting that as all of this is transpiring, To see how supportive my parents have been, it's like somewhere in my mind, I thought that they wouldn't be, because I thought that they had different values, and come [00:24:00] to find out they just love me and support me and want me to be happy,
it's been, in that way, it's been such a beautiful process of identifying the gremlin.
Identifying the gremlin is attached to my family, specifically my parents, saying, okay, but my parents are still great, so how do I change this in my brain, and kind of changing the way I live my life based on that. It's just, that has been such a huge process, and therapy did a I would say the real deep under the surface work of that for me.
And this was sort of tying up those loose ends of Okay, well this is still affecting my life in this way. So, let's change that.
Lana: Wow. Wow. I love that you, okay. The way that you just spoke about your upbringing and your parents, like it just sounded so incredibly integrated, conscious and like honestly, like highly anabolic [00:25:00] the way that you just articulated the way that your parents Influenced you and influenced your perfectionism.
Like we're not in the game of blaming and shaming our parents here. We are
here that. We love and respect our parents for doing the absolute very best that they could with what they knew at the time. And as we grow into adults and have, you know, more freedom of choice to express ourselves and live our lives in ways that we want.
It's about bringing that love and acceptance for where we came from and then bridging the gap with, with, that conscious choice. Because it's not so much about like, Eliminating fear or eliminating
like, the gremlin.
It's about changing the dynamic, changing
your of it, bringing awareness to it, bringing love to it. Whereas before all we knew to do was to bring [00:26:00] frustration and anger and you know, maybe even feel ashamed that. The gremlin was there saying that. Because , I think where I differ a lot as a coach is I don't. Want to encourage you to completely get rid of these gremlins, because energy cannot be destroyed.
It can only be transformed. So. Working with me. I encourage you to transform your relationship with Jack. I encourage you to transform the energy of Jack He's still there. He's still with you, but his energy has changed. He's grown up with you, right? Often these gremlins are like little children they're stuck at four or six or eight or whenever
story that they develop to Help us survive in that point where and then they're like wait what you're You're you're in your early 20s
now, you're in your 40s now, what the heck?
So it's a process of like bringing that conscious awareness to Jack, accepting Jack and then telling him to grow up with you.
Because [00:27:00] we're not here. Like this is, I think where I differ a lot as a coach is I don't. Want to,
encourage you to completely get rid of these gremlins, but let because energy cannot be destroyed.
It can only be transformed. So. Working with me. I encourage you to like transform your relationship with Jack. I encourage you to transform the energy of Jack He's still there. He's still with you, but his energy has changed. He's grown up with you, right? Often these gremlins are like little children they're stuck at four or six or eight or whenever story that they develop to Help us survive in that point where and then they're like wait what you're You're,
you're in your early 20s now, you're in
your 40s
now, what the heck?
So it's a process of like bringing that conscious awareness to Jack, accepting Jack and then,
telling him to grow up with you. So yeah, , what is, is Jack on the attack these days?[00:28:00]
What, what happens when you have a Jack attack these days? What is Jack saying to you? What is your relationship? How are you using that energy of the gremlin?
Faith: I have so many thoughts on this, but I want to start out with thanking you because , the approach of, we are humans. These gremlins never fully go away and that's not the goal. That was so beneficial to me. Even
Lana: away, but they can grow up.
Faith: they can grow up. Exactly. Like this process of integration is a lifetime.
This is not something that you go through coaching and you're suddenly solved. Your problems are solved. It's a
Speaker: that for
Faith: a life long process.
Speaker: therapy.
Faith: Yeah. And it's like changing those expectations on yourself too. And lightening the load of I don't have to be perfect.
And Jack is still around and Jack is around every day.
Like Jack and I definitely talk every single day, but the way that we interact has changed so [00:29:00] much and I no longer feel, it doesn't necessarily feel as triggering when Jack comes up and he's speaking to me because a huge part of what I took away from coaching is. This is not an overnight process. This isn't even a six month process.
This is a lifelong process, and, sometimes Jack is more aggressive than other times. Sometimes Jack and I don't talk for a while, and it's when that gremlin does come up, having that patience with myself instead of that perfectionism that we talked about, instead of being like, I have to be this perfect version of a human in accordance with the way I was conditioned Instead of thinking in that way, I think in a sense of, okay, so you know, this is a lifelong process.
Like Jack is still here, he's telling me I can't, he does a lot of that. It's a lot of, I can't or it's a lot of, I'm too afraid to, [00:30:00] and yeah, I think that Gremlin is still saying the same things in my head. But the difference is that my reaction has completely changed, especially the reaction in my body.
And I also think the gremlin shows up not quite as often as it used to in the beginning.
So, it's definitely still there, but the relationship is completely different. Yeah,
Lana: I imagine that his demeanor, his personality, like the way that he even speaks to you has changed a little bit.
Faith: can be a little bit humorous sometimes, for sure. Sometimes I'll have a real negative thought and I'll laugh, as I say it out loud, to a friend or to my partner.
And I think that's because a lot of the work we did was to put a humorous light onto that gremlin. Maybe by accident, because I started calling him Jack and saying, Jack is on the attack.
It's like those little things can have such a big difference. [00:31:00] Because it was just a little funny joke to come back to, and so now I associate it with humor,
and it just lightens it.
Lana: Love that. I love that. Yeah. Cause sometimes the gremlin just kind of says what it says because that neural pathway is just so strong and it's just saying what it's always said, but then when you can bring some lightness to it and some humor to it, it almost lightens their load up too, right?
Faith: Yeah, exactly.
Lana: I'm just looking at your, like, so we put together, , five or six goals or intentions for working together. The first one was to put myself into the driver's seat of my life and choose thoughts that empower me to create the life I desire. I feel like we really touched on that in speaking about the level four energy and the fear.
One of the goals you also set was to hold on to opinions and beliefs more loosely rather than fighting to be right. And first of all, I think this is just such a noble goal to have in [00:32:00] a
world that is just so polarized and people really like literally. kill for their beliefs
and die for their beliefs
Faith: Mm hmm.
Lana: Yeah, let's talk about that a little bit and like why that felt important to you Like why did it feel important for you to like loosen the grip on your opinions and beliefs and how has how has that?
Shifted for you
Faith: Yeah, I'm very strong willed, strong minded headstrong. I have a very strong personality.
There's just a lot of very like intense, strong parts of myself that I absolutely love, but that can also make me have very strong opinions and beliefs. And specifically working with psychedelic medicines.
If you don't want your perspective of reality and your beliefs to be changed, psychedelics are probably not for you, because those just completely blasted my mind open to a reality [00:33:00] I was definitely not prepared for,
and I felt as though my values had shifted to a place of, okay, I don't actually believe Very strongly in that many things, and I think that's okay.
I think that's a good thing. I think it's a good thing to be able to easily shift your perspective based on conversations with other people. And I think it's a good thing to have love for people on all sides of every discussion. And I was still experiencing this emotion of if there was a political debate happening
I just found myself getting very defensive, I would say. Very defensive and speaking up really strongly about things that I did not actually feel that strongly about. And it was triggering, it was activating. I did not like the emotions that would come up in my body when someone would say something and I would disagree [00:34:00] or I would be defending myself.
And I just came to realize That was, creating negativity in my life that wasn't necessary. I think, yeah, there's certain things that it's okay to feel really strongly about and it's okay to have opinions, absolutely. But if you can't have, a good discussion with someone where you can love the other person regardless of how they feel like, truly, truly.
Still feel love for someone regardless of what they feel. That's a really difficult thing to accomplish because some people have crazy opinions and yet we can still love each other because we're all human. And I found myself struggling with that and I think knowing that I want to become a therapist now, I think back then I knew that I wanted to work with people one on one and part of me was like, how will I ever do that if I have these very strong opinions and feel very activated and triggered when people say certain things that I don't agree with.
Because when you're working with [00:35:00] clients, you're not going to agree with everything they say. You're not going to agree with everything that they want for themselves and their lives. But it's your job to work with them for what they want for their life. So, I think it was just important in so many ways for me to Hold my opinions a little more loosely
especially as someone who can be very strong minded and become very defensive very quickly.
Lana: Yeah,
like I said such an Such a noble and honorable, , undertaking to work on that for yourself, because as you work on that for yourself, it really touches the people around you, it makes people around you feel more safe and allows you to just cultivate stronger connections with others based on who they are as a person, not based on what they believe or what their opinion is, because Beliefs and opinions are fluid.
They're not truth. They
Faith: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Lana: And so, Yeah. it's, it's, it's a [00:36:00] very powerful thing to put into question just how much value and weight we put on opinions and beliefs. Like there are literally people dying in Africa, in the Middle East, in Europe, like all over the world because of opinions and beliefs, you know, so doing this work.
On an individual basis is required in orders for us to bring it to the collective and like really create massive collective change. And it's probably going to take a while, but it really starts with ourselves. So yeah, good work with that. I'm curious because you're You know, you said you're a little baby Gen Z psychonaut, but, know, you've had some experiences with medicine now, and I'm curious how you see the synergy of coaching specifically energy coaching that you went through, consciousness coaching, and psychedelics, and how they've kind of supported each other and worked together, if at all.
Faith: Oh, it's completely related. It's connected in [00:37:00] every sense. Psychedelics work on an energetic level, and this coaching process with you worked on an energetic level,
so it's in the ways that you're shifting your perspectives and your beliefs, and your values are shifting, and you're, coming closer to living your life in alignment, all of these things work on an energetic level.
And I think if my work with psychedelics has taught me anything, it's that The energy that I approach everything in life with is what makes the most difference. It's not about saying, I want X amount of money and I want this job. It's about saying I'm abundant. I come from that energy of abundance and that is how you create real change.
And so, psychedelics have taught me that. And then I go through the coaching process and it's okay. You're abundant. You've decided that this is your value, that this is something you care about. How do we [00:38:00] energetically integrate that into your life? And how do we, use this value and create real change?
I don't know if that makes sense, but it's it's almost difficult to even explain how connected they are. I look at the relation between psychedelics and between the energy coaching as I did all of this work with psychedelics and, had all of this integration that was in like a backlog.
It was like, all of these unfiled papers, I like to think of it in my brain as like all of these unfiled papers of integration of like new values, new beliefs new perspectives, and they were all just sitting there and I needed to actually file them away and put them into practice and coaching is what helped me take all of these new values and beliefs and perspectives and actually put it into my life.
into place because, I think I was living [00:39:00] completely out of alignment before coaching with you and I knew what I wanted and I just didn't know how to really put that into action and I would say
I'm living more in alignment than I ever have in my life, feel more peace and joy than I ever have in my life and I just question everything so much less.
Lana: Wow. Wow. I'm smiling because I'm like, that's so funny. I feel like, yeah, the coaching process is in a way, like it's paperwork. It's doing the grueling paperwork of integration and like doing the filing in a very intentional targeted way. And in a lot of ways it's very intuitive and it makes sense.
, we just go into the next place that we need to go to move you forward. What was like the most. surprising thing about working with me as your coach and about this whole process.
Faith: I think probably the most surprising thing, which looking back on it, shouldn't have been that [00:40:00] surprising because of I listened to every podcast episode you have front to back is how neutral you are.
I thought of life coaching as, probably the stereotypical way that people view it as you go and you get advice.
And that could not be further from the truth. It's not at all advice. It's actually taking your own advice and actually using it. And I was shocked at how neutral you were in a sense of you are a coach, you chose to be a coach instead of therapy. Like those were your two considerations at one point and you chose the coaching route.
And yet you coached me in a way that led me to decide that therapy was what I wanted to do with my career. To be so neutral that you can make a decision that something isn't for you, yet help someone else decide that it is for them, I don't know, I think it's, I think it's impressive and I think it's important because, everyone [00:41:00] wants different things for themselves.
Everyone has different values for all these different, unique, incredible souls, which is exactly as it should be. And You're not trying to turn anyone else into you, or trying to get them to do what you've done, or do what works for you. You're getting them to come to a point of them understanding what works for them, and what they want, and bridging the gap between what they want, and actually them having that, and doing the work, and being the person they want to be
. So, yeah, I think the neutrality was probably the most surprising part. I know that's Difficult, and I know you work really hard on that, too.
Lana: Yeah. Thank you so much for bringing that in. The neutrality is like a ethical pillar for me
coaching. And I think that's really what separates professional coaches who have received extensive professional training,
From. know
Not professional coaches and
Faith: Instagram coaches.[00:42:00]
Lana: the That's what I'm saying. and you what? They create amazing results for their clients and they're doing what they're doing. It's just a different methodology. It seems like that was so surprising for you because that was perhaps first time in your life that you've been in such a neutral space and maybe been in such a neutral space for a prolonged period of time.
So I'm curious what was it about the neutrality that made your process so effective? How did that impact you? How did that land for you?
Faith: I think the neutrality was really beneficial for me because There's a lot of really big opinions in my life from the people around me
about what I should do and I'm grateful for that. Those people love me so much that they want to share what's worked for them and, think that it's gonna work for me and I appreciate where they're coming from with that.
But it's [00:43:00] difficult when you have so many big opinions. Big strong opinions in your life. Like I have a massive family. I have so many friends and just everyone is sharing their opinion It's difficult to really know where you land in the midst of all of that and I think You know, especially in the psychedelic space it can be really harmful when people are working with these medicines They're in a suggestible state a very vulnerable suggestible state Where their neural pathways are rewiring when you have someone who, gives them advice or leads them to something that isn't right for them.
I think the neutrality was life changing because There's just, for most of us, not that many truly neutral people in our lives. And that's as it should be because, our friends and our family want to share their opinions with us to help us.
But I really just needed someone to say, Okay, well, what is it you [00:44:00] really want?
And how do we help you get there in a way that only works for you?
Lana: Yeah, so for people listening if you wonder why I don't share my political beliefs online, is why. It's actually an ethical thing for me I know that some people listening out there will hire to their coach and my opinions and my beliefs fog up my ability to be clear mirror for you.
And when I am not able to be clear mirror for you, then you're not going to see yourself. going to see me. the whole purpose coaching for me to be a mirror for you to see yourself and through that process, get answers that you need from yourself. So thank you so for sharing that kind of wrapping up, I'm so excited for you and your psychology degree. I think you just started school. Can you tell a little bit about how that's going, what you're visioning for yourself for [00:45:00] the next few years, how are you planning to merge psychedelics into your work, if at
Give, give listeners a little bit of expansion around, like, what is possible for them? if someone is out listening and feeling a little lost and unsure about https: otter. ai next step to take
Faith: I'll start about, like, how I came to this decision. So I've been out of my undergraduate degree for a few years now.
And working in different jobs, bouncing around, and nothing really ever landed for me. Oftentimes people have to do what they really don't want to do to figure out what it is they want to do.
And so I started all of this really from a place of, okay, I know that I don't want to do this. I don't want to work a corporate job in an office staring at a computer for 40, 50 hours a week. I don't want to work in the entertainment industry, so I had a starting point [00:46:00] of okay, here are the things I don't want to do.
And then I went to, okay, what are my strengths? What are the things I enjoy? Okay, I love talking to people. I'm very sensitive. I'm very empathetic. I'm caring. Talking to people specifically about their traumas has been such a joy for me to see that if I ever say anything, That I see that person, it lightens the load for them a little bit.
That just brings me so much joy. And so I started to notice how much joy I was getting from talking to people. And kind of went from there. Like, Okay, I know that I want to be, working one on one with people in my career. I know that I don't want it to be At a desk, in an office, 24 7. I know that these are my strengths, where do I go from here?
And we discussed that in coaching, and I came to two different paths where I was thinking, well there's the life coaching [00:47:00] route, or the psychedelic coaching route, and then there's the therapy route. And I think what really helped me decide to go the therapy route was something very specific you said to me in a coaching session one time, which was Or no, I think it was actually in a mentor meeting
you said, yes, think about what kind of clients you want to work with.
What kind of things do you want to be working with them through? So I'm envisioning myself having a conversation with a future client. And I'm thinking, what can I help this person with? What do I want to help them with?
And I realized, I'm still quite young and I might not know, specifically what I want to do for the rest of my life.
But I know that in order to do What I want to do, I have to get a master's degree and I have to become a licensed therapist because I want to be trained in all of these different areas. And also, at my age it's just the reality of you can't become a life [00:48:00] coach in your 20s and expect to receive respect immediately.
That kind of takes time. And so I knew if I start with the foundation of A master's degree in clinical psychology, that will open up so many more opportunities for me, especially at my age, unfortunately, because I don't necessarily think this should be the case, but will open up a lot more respect for me at my age and will open doors to be able to take different, we psychedelic programs, so many of them you can't take if you're not, a licensed professional
and while I have many qualms with the medical system, with healthcare, with the education system, I knew, okay, even though I have, my opinions about these systems, I Want to make change from the inside out and really doing a deep dive , starting from what I don't want to do, [00:49:00] then going to what are my strengths, then figuring out, okay, maybe this is what I want to do, then honing in further of well, then what kind of training do I need to get to where I want to be?
That's how I came to the decision that I wanted to study psychology. And I think it really landed for me and felt like the right decision. When I found a university that I just loved and I'm only two weeks in, but so far I just adore it and a university where I can go in person, where I can have smaller class sizes, where I can specialize in.
Spiritual and depth psychology, which is what I'm most interested in. Where there's, a social justice stance at this university. There's no tests or quizzes. It's all reading and writing. And you don't get letter grades. It's pass fail. There's so many different parts of this that are so different from so much of the American educational system.
And yet it still is a path that leads to licensure for me. So, I [00:50:00] knew.
Speaker: that word.
Faith: I know. So I knew that that this was something I wanted to do when I found that university and realized there is a path I can take that will still get me to where I want to go that might be a little bit different than the super traditional route.
And yeah, I don't know exactly what role psychedelics will play in my career. I think a lot of it depends on The legality of it, honestly especially the legality as a licensed therapist. But I think right now, what's landing for me is the intersection between neurodivergence and psychedelic integration.
And especially, I mean, it's something I've been through and still going through. And I love neurodivergent people. So many of my friends are neurodivergent and
Lana: like everyone in the psychedelics is neurodivergent.
Faith: It's huge!
Lana: Yeah. [00:51:00] And like, pretty sure I'm neurodivergent. I've never gotten tested, but I'm like, I'm pretty sure. Yeah.
Faith: there's
gotta be some in there,
Speaker 9: for sure.
Speaker: Yeah, Yeah.
Faith: so many of
Speaker: and, and like it's a community that really needs the support, so I love that you're you're doing that. Yeah.
Faith: Absolutely. So I think there's, I think there's probably an intersection for me in working with neurodivergent people to help integrate their psychedelic experiences.
I'm not really called to being a facilitator or working with the medicines themselves, more so called to, first of all take my insights from my journeys and help others with those insights.
Even if, those people, Have never touched a psychedelic. That in addition to helping neurodivergent people navigate everything that comes up after a psychedelic experience. And I think there's, there's a lot of research starting to come up with the link between psychedelics and autism and kind of the [00:52:00] interplay there, but there's not as much on psychedelics and ADHD.
And as someone who has ADHD, that really fascinates me. I think there's so much more potential there that hasn't been tapped into yet. beyond
Lana: microdosing,
Faith: Yes, absolutely. In every sense with all different kinds of medicines. I think there's so much potential there and I've seen some research, but not nearly as much as I thought I would find.
So, yeah, I think there's a lot of opportunity for me there.
Lana: amazing. Amazing. I'm so excited for you. And what would you say to someone who's listening who is where you were back in March and feels stuck and doesn't really know why they're stuck and feels that Struggle to connect with a vision or even if they have the vision feels the struggle of actually like believing that it's possible because you said, you said earlier on that you had a hard time [00:53:00] actually believing that the life that you wanted to live was possible for you.
And like, obviously that's not the case anymore. So yeah, some, some words of wisdom for people who are in that place.
Faith: Yeah, I think this is. Exceptionally simple and maybe a little bit too simple, but what helped me more than anything was to just follow like any sort of joy at all
and For me, I knew there was joy in listening to your podcast. I knew there was joy in you know Talking to people about their traumas like I found joy in these little pockets of life at a time when I was feeling really stuck and if you can hone in on where you're feeling those pockets of joy that's telling you something really important because it's telling you you know here's a little slice of the life that you're meant to live and if you follow this little slice you can come to a point where you live in alignment more so [00:54:00] advice for people who are really you know you're just Entirely stuck.
You have no idea what to do next. I think the very first step is just identify where you're Experiencing those little pockets of joy and just follow that wherever it goes and follow the signs. I think the more You start to follow those pockets of joy, the more signs you'll get and the more things will fall into place.
I'm definitely a spiritual person and feel that the more that I live in alignment, the more help that I receive in that process. So, I think if you just start to do that day by day, it will get better.
Lana: Amazing. You know what? Usually the most simple things are the things that are the truest.
Like the closer you get to truth, the more simple it is. So follow your joy, follow your bliss, live, laugh, love.
I love that. No, because it's true. They are like the things that really like light you up and ignite you like that's just such a sign of [00:55:00] you're going to naturally thrive at. And you're not going to have to force. It's just going to be a flow and it's going to allow you to tap into that creative state.
And you is that highly anabolic high consciousness living that we are all about. So I love that. That's a
Faith: Absolutely. And even like in the pursuit of following that joy, like any action or any decision is better than nothing. If you're stuck and you have no idea what to do next. Any decision or action in the direction of that slice of joy is good enough, that's perfect. Because those, that's a ripple effect that will continue to happen.
I think I was stuck in so much of a place of well what if I make the wrong decision? There is no wrong decision. Just, Just follow that general direction and any decisions you make that go along that direction are perfect.
Lana: Yeah. It's been so amazing to watch you literally carve your own path and like figure out the program that's right for you and that's aligned with you. Like it's just so clear how freaking [00:56:00] excited you are about your future and like how you're bringing in all of these unique things that bring you joy into that future vision.
So just such amazing work, Faith. What would you say? To anyone who's listening, who is considering working with an energy coach, such as myself, who is considering bringing this modality into their life to support their psychedelic integration, their, you know, psychedelic path. What would you say to them?
Faith: Oh, it I don't even know where to start this has been the most life changing year, honestly, I would say, 2024. Most life changing year particularly because of the coaching. If you feel stuck, and you're following a little slice of joy, and it leads you here, and it leads you to coaching that's a good sign that this could help you become unstuck.
I just found a video on my phone of January 1st, 2024, and I'm just looking at the camera just [00:57:00] sobbing, saying, I'm so stuck I don't know what to do. And I recorded this video of myself in hopes that I would return to it in the future, And, look at how far I've come and that's exactly what happened.
I look back on this video and feel incredibly grateful that I just made the decision to do it. It's such a, you know It's hard. Coaching is hard. Therapy is hard. Any form of transformation or healing or growth is hard. But, looking back on that video, that was so much harder. It was so much harder to feel that way every day than it was To overcome it and come out on the other side, so it seems really scary And it seems like it's going to be a lot of work because it is But it's you know that voice in your head is lying to you it's not gonna be easier if you keep living the same way you've always lived like it will only get better if you take the chance on [00:58:00] yourself and Having someone like a coach having you To navigate me through that journey was just so much more.
I don't, I think it just was more motivational, like having that accountability sort of, and having that, you know, every two weeks I know I'm going to have this call and we're going to check in on my growth that just gave me a structure and an accountability that as a neurodivergent person is really difficult for me to give to myself.
So, if you've been feeling stuck and you don't know what to do, I think coaching is a great option.
Lana: Yeah. Yeah. It's all right.
Faith: I guess for
Lana: love that. Thank you so, so much for sharing. I am just astonished and just so, so proud of you. And I know you're proud of yourself too. And I cannot wait to keep following your journey and seeing what comes next. And you are, I feel like you're, you're one of the Gen Zers in my life who have really like made me love.
Gen Zers. out to the [00:59:00] Gen Zers. That's like most,
Faith: millennials too.
Lana: oh yeah.
Faith: millennials are my favorite generation, no questions asked. I love millennials.
Lana: like this.
Faith: Yes, Gen Z millennials, like there's a lot of synergy there.
Lana: Yeah. Yeah. We're, we're making shit happen.
Yeah. We, we, we love you guys all though. Truly. Thank you so much for listening. Faith, any last words that you want to share?
Faith: I just want to say thank you to you. Just Meeting you in 2024 was like one of the most life changing things that could have happened, if not like the most life changing part of 2024. And I'm so happy that I followed that slice of joy.
Lana: Thank you. Thank you. And I hope that in that you recognize that you also met yourself, right? also
met yourself in a way and in a deeper way. And it was an honor to facilitate that for you and to be that mirror for you.
Faith: Thank you, Lana.
Lana: Yeah. All right. Thank [01:00:00] Take care, everyone.